AHH - Al Hilal Hospital
AHH stands for Al Hilal Hospital
Here you will find, what does AHH stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Al Hilal Hospital? Al Hilal Hospital can be abbreviated as AHH What does AHH stand for? AHH stands for Al Hilal Hospital. What does Al Hilal Hospital mean?Al Hilal Hospital is an expansion of AHH
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Alternative definitions of AHH
- Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.
- Assisted Home Hospice
- Austin Habitat for Humanity
- Action for Humane Hospitals
- Acadia Healthcare Hawaii
- Adventist Hinsdale Hospital
- Arizona Heart Hospital
- Arkansas Heart Hospital
View 70 other definitions of AHH on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ARMC Al Resalah Medical Center
- AMH American Mission Hospital
- AH Awali Hospital
- ACZ Algemeen Centrum Ziekenhuis
- AZD Algemeen Ziekenhuis Diest
- AZHFR Algemeen Ziekenhuis Heilige Familie Rumst
- AKAZM Apra Kliniek, AZ Monica
- AM Arseus Medical
- AZACE AZ Alma Campus Eeklo
- AZACS AZ Alma Campus Sijsele
- AZJPAZV AZ Jan Portaels Algemeen Ziekenhuis Vilvoorde
- AZK AZ Klina
- AZKF AZ Koningin Fabiola
- AZN AZ Nikolaas
- AZSAV AZ Sint-Augustinus Veurne
- AZSD AZ St.-Dimpna
- AZV AZ Vesalius
- AZZB AZ Zusters van Barmhartigheid
- AC Abc Clinica